Dyno Testing

Want to know the real secret to making power?  It's dyno tuning.  You can add thousands of dollars in performance parts to your car and actually make less power than before you started.  It's important to get all the parts working together.  Air/ fuel ratio is critical to an engines operation.  Many aftermarket parts can change the engines A/F ratio leaning it out, and contribute to detonation.  Detonation can and will break pistons and damage other parts.  After each addition or change to your engine , plan to visit a good dyno tuner.  Get all the aftermarket parts working together.   You will be surprised at the improvement and the way your car performs.

The dyno charts below are examples of dyno runs made on the Beast during different stages in it's development.

Brice Yingling at Alamo Autosports in Arlington, TX doing early testing.


A 15 psi dyno run done by Lance at Toyomoto after the Haltech was installed


Dyno run done at Performance Garage in Nashville, TN.  343.7 RWHP @ 20 psi on pump gas.
Photos below were made at Performance Garage.


Dyno run video (click here)
This video shows a dyno run which was done at Balanced Performance in Atlanta, GA.  This chart will be added at a later date (when I find it).

How much power is enough?   I guess the important question is "enough for what"?  My stock 93NA with 135 HP has enough.  It's a terrific machine to drive around town and on back roads.  The Beast does it's thing with a little over 300 rwhp.  Do you need 400 rwhp to have a really quick mk2?  No, certainly not!   300 rwhp will move you down the road with more power than most  high dollar sports cars.  You will also break fewer parts using the lower number.  Could the Beast make more power?  No doubt about it!  I could simply turn up the boost beyond my comfort level, tempered by the depth of my wallet and it would make more power.  Do I plan to do that?  No.  I am very happy with the way the car runs now.  I vary the boost from 17 psi to 21 psi on the street depending on what fuel I have in the car. With 92 octane I run 17 psi.  With 100 octane race fuel, I use 21.








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E-mail: Ace123Jim@aol.com  Web site: http://www.MR2Beast.com
Last revised October 22, 2002.